The Garlean Empire
Plays in various cutscenes – often involving the Garlean Empire.
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Before the release of A Realm Reborn, played during a cutscene as part of the main questline, during a confrontation with Ifrit. Now plays during battle with Diabolos – the final boss of the Ruins of Amdapor and Dun Scaith – as well as Avere Bravearm – the final boss of the Tam-tara Deepcroft (Hard)
Plays in the Ghimlyt Dark.
Plays during battle with Emerald Weapon.
Plays during battle with the Diablo Armament in the Dalriada.
Plays during various cutscenes in Garlemald, as well as in Terncliff, as part of the Sorrow of Werlyt questline.
Plays during various cutscenes in Garlemald.